2024 License Renewal Updates

Renewals will open April 1, 2024. Licenses with a June 30, 2024 expiration date are up for renewal this year. The Commission will send License Renewal notices via email and mail.

Reinstatement Change: Licenses not renewed by June 30, 2024, will lapse on July 1, 2024.

For licenses with a June 30, 2024, expiration date, failure to submit a complete renewal by midnight will result in the license being lapsed on July 1, 2024.

The reinstatement period will run from July 1, 2024, to midnight, December 31, 2024. Failure to submit a complete reinstatement application on or before December 31, 2024, will result in license cancellation on January 1, 2025. This is in accordance with SC Code Ann. §40-57-110(D) & (E).

Individuals with cancelled licenses must reapply with paper applications and meet all current requirements for licensure, including taking and passing the applicable examination again. An individual holding a lapsed license may not engage in the practice of real estate or property management per SC Code Ann. §§ 40-57-20 and 40-57-780.

Renewal Resources

Online Renewal Portal

2024 Renewal Resource Page: Contains information about logging into the renewal portal, online renewal kick-outs, military renewal submissions, background checks, and reinstatement procedures.

Continuing Education Page: Contains information about approved courses, CE requirements for renewal, reporting CE, and CE exemptions.

Manage My License: Contains information on how to transfer licenses, update your Contact information, inactivation/reactivation of license, requests for certification of licensure, and register an alternate name.

For any additional questions not answered on the Renewal Resource page, please email the Commission office at contact.rec@llr.sc.gov.